Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The National Gallery

There is a Greek mythe about some people passing through a dark cave, couldn't see anything, and a voice told them "Those who do not pick up stones from the ground, will be unhappy, those who do pick up stones from the ground will also be unhappy". So, some travellers thought "if I'll be unhappy, then I won't take any" and others thought "well, I can take just one". When they came out of the cave, they saw that it were diamonds that were in the cave, and indeed, those who did and those who didn't took the stones, were sad.
There is a similar feeling I have when I am at the National Gallery. I can not take everything in, and when I leave I am regretting that I left. Still, I think I will take every opportunity when I'm near Trafalgar Square, to go and visit the N.G.
Yesterday I wandered around and I found myself in the rooms where artwork from the end 19th, begining 20th century is exibited. There are three paintings I am very glad I saw (actualy many many more, but these three I want to share with you, not much words, just enjoy it):

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